Sunday, March 10, 2013

Introducing Dobie, the Fangless Wonder

So a few weeks ago, we took Dobie for a long overdue visit to the vet to get, we thought, a tooth removed.  As in, a singular one.

Turns out he was much more overdue than we thought.  Poor boy came home minus FIVE teeth, including his two right fangs.  How did he feel about this?  Not too happy, as it happens...

Have you ever seen such a pissed off cat?  It took me ages to get even this photo. Not only did he get swathes of his fancy fur removed (he's extremely proud of his stripes), but he had a bandage on his back foot holding on a pain relief patch, and his tongue wouldn't stay in his mouth. Poor boy!

He's doing much better now, though.  His fur is beginning to grow back, and he (mostly) has his tongue under control.  In fact, if the amount of talking he's doing is any indication, he's much, much happier.  Unfortunately, the same can not be said of our bank balance... 

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